Info Event – LIFE IP CYzero WASTE-LIFE20/IPE/CY/000011 Project for Pay As You Throw (PAYT) System Environmental Consultants

On Thursday, 09 of March 2023, an informative event was successfully held, in a hybrid format, organized within the LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project (LIFE20/IPE/CY/000011), for Environmental Consultants of Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) System. The informative event included presentations of the application of the Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) system, as well as a brief description of the LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project.

More specifically, according to the Waste (Municipal Waste Management by Local Government Authorities) Regulations 2022, Local Authorities (LAGs) will have until 12/31/2023 to prepare a six-year Local Action Plan.

Initially, the objectives of the implementation of the Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) scheme were presented, as these will be included in the Local Action Plan of the Local Government Authorities for the prevention of the creation and management of municipal waste within their administrative boundaries. More specifically,according to the Waste (Municipal Waste Management by Local Authorities) Regulations of 2022, Local Government Authorities will have until December 31st 2023, to prepare a six-year Local Action Plan which comes into force on 30/ 6/2024.

Additionally, on the day of the conference, the progress of applications and competitions at the level of Provinces and Community Complexes was presented, with very encouraging participation data of ATA (93%). Hence, the Local Authorities should announce a tender for the preparation of a Feasibility Study for Municipalities and Community Complexes, which should be completed within 6 months from the date of award of each tender. Additionally, on the day of the info event, the progress of applications and competitions at the level of Municipalities and Community Complexes was presented, with very encouraging participation data of the Local Authorities (93%).

In the second part of the information event, the LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project (LIFE20/IPE/CY/000011) was presented and emphasis was placed on the synergistic aspects with the Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) scheme. Specifically, the actions of the Project were presented, which include the creation of infrastructure and implementation of actions, which are expected to determine and influence the design of the studies in the context of Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) scheme, that will be prepared by the Researchers for the Local Government Authorities after by Competition. In more detail, it was pointed out that the Researchers should bear in mind the infrastructures and actions that are to be implemented within the framework of the Project, and which concern the following:

1) Construction and operation of green kiosks for recyclable materials,

2) Systems of separate sorting at the source of bio-waste with the installation of household and community composters,

3) demonstration project in the Municipality of Aradippou for separated biowaste,

4) Construction and operation of Repair and reuse centers and a network of second hand stores in all cities, and

5) Improvements to the existing infrastructures of the Integrated Waste Management Facilities(IWMF) in Koshi and Pentakomo.


Please find below the presentations of the event:

Presentation IP CYzero Waste – PAYT

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