1st Dialogue Forum “Building synergies within the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project, towards an integrated management of municipal solid waste in Cyprus”

1st Dialogue Forum “Building synergies within the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project, towards an integrated management of municipal solid waste in Cyprus”


On May 13, 2024, the 1st Dialogue Forum of the Project took place, with the theme “Building synergies within the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project, towards an integrated management of municipal solid waste in Cyprus” which was co-organized by the Department of the Environment and the National Technical University of Athens, in the hall of the Voroklini Community Council.

Marking the start of Action C9 entitled “Capacity Building Actions”, the 1st Dialogue Forum was a meeting point between the corporate structure and stakeholders who are invited to design and implement waste management solutions including Public and wider Public sector entities, Local Government Authorities, Development Agencies, the catering and hospitality sector, local businesses, Non-Governmental Organizations, Academic Institutions, etc. The goal is, the interaction and two-way information about the actions of the Project, which promote and support the transition to an integrated, circular management model. In this context, the participants had the opportunity to be informed about the actions of the Project and to understand their role in them, while at the same time, they were informed about the initiatives implemented by each involved body that was represented and how they strengthen or complement the LIFE IP Project CYzero WASTE, by extension both sides participating in a process of highlighting solutions and synergies.

Three presentations marked the start of the forum with the first one focusing on the association of the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project with the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan 2022-2028 through which the current situation was presented, accompanied by the European objectives to be achieved, with references to regulations and directives included in the Waste Management Legislative Framework, as well as in municipal solid waste management projects implemented by the Department of Environment with a focus on strengthening sorting at the source, prevention of waste production, reuse and recycling.

The second presentation was about the Actions of the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project and their progress up to the present stage. The presentation focused mainly on the 10 Project Implementation Actions, of which 5 concern the development of infrastructure projects. Specifically, they include the installation of 50 Green Kiosks for recyclable materials, home composters and decentralized composting units for organic waste, the development of two marine waste collection stations in two fishing shelters, reuse and repair centers, as well as mobile units for hazardous household waste. The implementation of these actions is promoted through co-financing from European funds. Through the presentation of the remaining 5 actions, the effort made to prevent waste production, raise awareness, inform, enhance knowledge and apply financial means was highlighted. These actions are of decisive importance as they support and further strengthen the effort to achieve the European goals that have been set.

The part of the presentations was completed with the third presentation concerning the capacity building strategy, during which both the way of formulating this strategy and the training mechanisms included in it to be implemented were explained (dialogue forum, workshops, operator seminars, trainings in schools, etc.). Indicative thematic sections of the training mechanisms, corresponding expected results of their implementation and the time frame of their organization were also presented. In addition, an important part of the third presentation was the highlighting of the role of each body in the successful implementation of the Project’s actions through a correlation diagram of the degree of influence-interest of each body in the implementation of the Project’s actions.

Then, the main part of the forum was held with the interventions of the participants, a process that created the right ground for an interesting dialogue of exchange of views, concerns and reflections while ensuring the transfer of expertise and know-how on municipal solid waste management based on the principles of Circular Economy. Through these interventions, actions were highlighted to develop synergies regarding the reduction of food waste, the reduction of single-use packaging, the promotion of the deposit refund system (DRS), the implementation of circular economy actions in the tourism sector taking into account the challenges, the promotion of the recommendations of the research community , promoting the use of secondary raw materials in industries based on standards, the use of digital tools for smart waste management as well as a series of actions that instill environmental education in various population groups, starting from pre-primary and primary education (teachers, parents and students), extending to wider audience.

The 1st Dialogue Forum is the basis for starting communication with the involved bodies for more active and close involvement in the actions of the Project. The commitment to continuous information, exchange of views and enhancement of knowledge will continue through the conduct of at least four capacity-building mechanisms per year, such as dialogue forums, training workshops and operator training seminars. The participation of all representatives of this forum in the upcoming activities is of crucial importance as it ensures not only the exchange of views and expertise but also the reinforcement and strengthening of the “train the trainer” process by transferring knowledge and experiences from the workshops to their organizations and the wider public.


Correlation of the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project with the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan 2022-2028 – Department of Environment

Presentation of LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project – Department of Environment

Presentation of capacity building strategy – National Technical University of Athens

Smart Cyprus Project – Deputy Ministry Of Research, Innovation And Digital Strategy



Mrs. Antonia Theodosiou, Environmental Commissioner
Dr. Mattheos Alambritis, Municipal Secretary Aradippou Municipality
Mr. Nicolas Stylianou, Union of Cyprus Communities
Mrs. Olga Theocharous, Senior Tourism Officer, Deputy Ministry of Tourism
Mrs. Elena Poulli, Οfficer A, Deputy Ministry Of Research, Innovation And Digital Strategy
Mrs. Anna dionysiou, Standardization Officer -Cyprus Organization for Standardization
Mr. Antonis Zorpas,
Associate professor, Open University of Cyprus
Mr. Costas Lantos, Health Officer, Lakatamia Municipality
Mr. Marios Papageorgiou, Energy & Environment Department Officer, Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation
Mrs. Efi Xanthou, General Secretary, Ecological Movement Cyprus
Mrs. Sara Mariza Vryonidi, Project Manager, Friends of the Earth



Mr. Manolis Vourexakis, Volunteer, RETO Cyprus
Mr. Marios Pafitis, CTO Co-Founder Fooderloo and Mr. Rafail Makrigiorgis COO Co-Founder Fooderloo



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