1st Forum titled “Building New Synergies for integrated Municipal Waste Management” | Monday, 13 May 2024, from 09:30 a.m. to 14:30 p.m. at the Community Council Hall of Voroklinis

Within the framework of the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project, 6 Forums in total will be organized with the aim of analyzing and promoting issues related to all Project actions, while disseminating good practices. They will promote the capacity building activities towards the desired direction and will constitute a significant initiative that will ensure the acquiring knowledge,  networking, interaction, and engagement of all stakeholders.

The goal of the 1st forum is to facilitate acquaintance and enhance interaction among stakeholders and Project Partners, providing an environment for participatory discussion where participants will have the opportunity not only to better understand the Project but also to express their opinions and suggestions, concurrently mentioning the actions they undertake regarding Circular Economy.

During the discussion, stakeholders will be asked to:

  1.  Present the actions they undertake as stakeholders,
  2.  Describe the ways in which their organization intends to contribute to the Project,
  3. Propose potential collaboration opportunities,
  4. Share opinions regarding the overall impact of the Project or potential collaboration in their own activities.

The 1st Forum is addressed to all interested parties called upon to design and implement waste management solutions, such as Local Government Authorities, industries, Development Agencies, Waste Disposal or Household Waste Utilization Boards, farmers’ associations, Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation, hospitality and catering sector entities, local businesses, the scientific community and research institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), etc.

Registration –> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgRWN-bzr_Z5sguZYFETr5FnddtT46OhDhi_YlnqCiFWBcHA/viewform?usp=pp_url

Contact: [email protected]





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