On Friday, April 28th 2023, a successful kick-off meeting was held for the study of the establishment of the Coordinating Body for Waste Management between Central Government and Local Authorities, in the context of the preparatory Action A3 of the LIFE-IP CYzero Waste Project. During the event main stakeholders participated: the Commissioner for the Environment, governmental departments, local authorities, academia, organization and councils dealing with waste management.
The kick-off meeting aimed to provide information regarding the preparation of the study for the establishment of a Coordinating Body as a Reform of the Recovery and Resilience Fund, and the exchange of views, as well as the collection of valuable information from all involved bodies directly or indirectly related to waste management, in order to achieve wider support, consensus and cooperation regarding the implementation of the study and the subsequent operation of the Coordinating Body.
Specifically, during the kick-off meeting it was mentioned that this Coordinating Body will be directly connected to the Department of Environment and will act as a liaison between the Central Government and the Local Authorities, and will aim to facilitate the implementation of the waste management policy. Additionally, through the Coordinating Body, a flexible mechanism will be provided which will provide technical support to local authorities in order to implement their obligations in waste management issues.
During the kick-off meeting, the co-financed Waste Management Projects were briefly presented, followed by a brief presentation of the LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project, its main Actions and how it is connected to the preparatory Action A3 – Study of the establishment of the Coordinating Management Body Waste.
Subsequently, the Contractor Ideopsis who undertook the implementation of the Study, presented the main steps/points for the implementation of the study, the critical points, as well as the preliminary results of stakeholders’ opinions/recommendations from a relevant questionnaire.
The event closed with a constructive discussion between the Department of Environment, the Contractor and the involved bodies, in which concerns and opinions were recorded, regarding the responsibilities and duties that the modus operandi of the Waste Management Coordinating Body will include.
The presentations of the kick-off meeting are as follows:
- Circular Economy Implementation Projects
20230428-Συντονιστικός Φορέας Διαχείρισης Αποβλήτων
- The LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project
Presentation IP CYzero Waste – Coordination Body