Information Day: Rational Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Army Camps

In the context of promoting policies for rational waste management in the Armed Forces, the Environment and Energy Sector of the Technical Services Directorate of the Ministry of Defense co-organized with the Department of Environment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment on May 15, 2024, an Information Day titled “Rational management of municipal solid waste in army camps” in collaboration with the Directorate of Material Warfare of the General Staff of the National Guard, in the presence of representatives of the two Ministries. The conference in question is a continuation of the 1st Dialogue Forum organized within the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project that took place on May 13, 2024.

The purpose of the meeting was, on one hand, to inform the Department of the Environment about the best municipal solid waste management practices that have already been adopted, as well as those that the Ministry of Defense plans to implement, and on the other hand, to inform the Ministry of Defense about the municipal solid waste management projects the Department of Environment is implementing, pointing out at the same time that these can contribute to the strengthening of the Environmental Policy of the Ministry of the Defense.

The event was greeted by the General Director of the Ministry of Defense, Mr. Andreas Loukas and the Department of Environment, representing the General Directorate of Environment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment.

The start of the presentations was started by Mrs. Ioanna Constantinidou (Head of the Circular Economy Project Implementation Branch of the Department of the Environment) making reference to the Projects implemented by the Department of the Environment to promote sorting at source, reuse and recycling.

Afterwards, Mrs. Eftychia Ioannou (Head of the Environment and Energy Sector – Directorate of Technical Services of the Ministry of Defense) through her presentation referred to the 12 activities included in the Strategic Plan 2024-2026 of the Ministry of Defense “Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development” which concern environmental and energy actions, ranging from saving energy to reducing carbon dioxide emissions, mobility, water saving and waste management.

Afterwards, Major General Stylianos Stylianou, representing the Directorate of Materiel Warfare, referred to the different categories of materials that are required to be managed, the existing process of their management and the legal framework that governs this management. In the context of his presentation, he pointed out proposals to improve the existing procedures for the management of specific materials as a possible collaboration with the Department of the Environment.

Finally, Dr. Ioannis P. Glekas, (Consultant Researcher) referred to the implementation of EMAS in 6 army camps, which is a road map for the rational management of municipal solid waste in all camps. Additionally, he highlighted the difficulty of finding collection agencies for specific waste streams.

In the discussion that followed it was mentioned that army camps are ideal examples of disciplined societies where environmental protection and management can be successfully implemented. The implementation of environmental management systems offers multiple benefits for the environment and the awareness/training of soldiers and personnel within the camps. The day ended with the commitment of the two Ministries to further discuss possible ways of cooperation and also the possible creation of a personalized training workshop (Workshop) for the soldiers, within the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project.

Presentation of the Projects of Solid Municipal Waste Management & LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project – Department of Environment

Presentation of the Environmental Policy of the Ministry of Defense

Presentation regarding the rational material management -_ Directorate of Materiel Warfare

Mr. Andreas Louka, General Director of the Ministry of Defense

Mrs. Eftychia Ioannou, Head of the Environment and Energy Sector – Directorate of Technical Services of the Ministry of Defense
Mrs. Ioanna Constantinidou, Head of the Circular Economy Project Implementation Branch – Department of the Environment
Major General Stylianos Stylianou – Directorate of Materiel Warfare
Dr. Ioannis P. Glekas – Consultant Researcher


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