Online meeting with responsible people of Farmers’ Markets

On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, an online meeting was held with competent persons who are responsible for the orderly operation of farmers markets that fall within the administrative boundaries of their Municipalities. Specifically, representatives from the municipalities of Strovolos, Nicosia, Deryneia, Paphos, Limassol and Larnaca participated.

The purpose of this meeting was to jointly inform both sides. In more detail, on one hand, the people responsible for the operation of the farmers markets were informed about the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project and the actions it implements in the context of the prevention of food waste and agricultural waste, and on the other hand, the LIFE IP Project team CYzero WASTE was informed about the responsibilities of the Municipalities in the operation of the farmers markets, the Regulations and the Legislation that govern their operation, the license to use the space, as well as the waste management with the closure of the farmers markets.

Through the constructive discussion between the participants, it became clear that this online meeting was very useful, making the beginning for possible future cooperation of the said markets with the Project, in the context of its actions to prevent the creation of food waste and agricultural waste. Therefore, in the next period on-site meetings are planned by the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE team, in the Farmers markets of all the Provinces.

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